Weather Station

Created by
Autobot Robotics
Aiml Kits
9.45 (9.8k+ reviews)

Course Description

The IoT weather station works by collecting data from the OpenWeatherMap API, which provides current weather data and forecasts. The data is then uploaded to a cloud server, which is then downloaded by the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module to retrieve weather information such as temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, and wind directional degree. Once the project is turned on and the NodeMCU board is connected to a specific Wi-Fi network provided in the code, it automatically retrieves weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API, and the LCD display will show the current weather information of the specified location.

What you'll learn

  • Arduino:- How to use C, C++ and embedded c programming in Arduino IDE.
  • Node MCU:- How to install/upload Arduino programming in ESP8266/ Other microcontroller.
  • IOT:- "Internet of Things" How to connect electronics devices with the Internet.
  • Display the weather data on the LED display.
  • API:- Application Programming Interface


  • Nodemcu ESP8266
  • 20X4 Display
  • I2C

Student feedback


Course rating
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    Oscar Cafeo

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

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    Alex Morgan

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

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  • Duration
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