Smart Plant Monitoring

Created by
Autobot Robotics
9.45 (9.8k+ reviews)

Course Description

An IoT-based plant monitoring system using NodeMCU, DHT11, FC-28 sensor, and relay can be built to monitor the temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and water level of plants. The system can be controlled through the Blynk app, which is a user-friendly app that allows you to remotely monitor and control your IoT devices.

What you'll learn

  • Arduino:- How to use C, C++ and embedded c programming in Arduino IDE
  • Node MCU:- How to install/upload Arduino programming in ESP8266/ Other microcontroller.
  • Electronics:- Basics of electronics and Roles of components like Resistor, Transistor, Relay etc.
  • IOT:- "Internet of Things" How to connect electronics devices with the Internet.
  • Blynk Interface:- Web dashboard Interface laptop and Android app.


  • Nodemcu ESP8266
  • Soil Moisture Sensor
  • DHT11 Sensor
  • LCD Display (16x2)
  • I2C
  • Relay Module
  • Battery
  • Water Pump

Student feedback


Course rating
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    Oscar Cafeo

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

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    Alex Morgan

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

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  • Duration
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